INDAM 2023 invites full papers pertaining to the conference tracts. Mention the track before the title of the submission, as shown in the template. There is no restriction on the methodology followed in a submission. Papers not following required formatting style will be rejected without any review.
Formatting style
- Settings: Files should be MS Word documents in A4 page size, portrait orientation, and 2.54cm margin at all sides. Neither page numbers nor running heads are necessary and should not be included in submitted document.
- Front: Times New Roman, 12-font size throughout the main-text, that must be double spaced and justified. References, tables and figures may use Times New Roman, 11-font size.
- Section headings: Use only three levels of headings and use boldface for all three -
- First-level headings: all capital letters, centered;
- Second-level headings: title-style letters, flush left;
- Third-level headings: sentence-style letters, indented, italicized; and run into paragraph
- Word limit: The length of the submission should be between 2000 and 6000 words (excluding references, tables and figures). The submission should include an abstract of maximum 150 words, which may be included in the conference proceedings.
- Neither page numbers nor running heads are necessary and should not be included in submitted document. Use footnotes placed on their respective pages, if required. Use of endnotes must be avoided.
- Other guidelines: Use footnotes placed on their respective pages, if required. Use of endnotes must be avoided. For Appendices, Tables and Figures, Citations, References follow AOM Editorial Style, available from here:
Submit your paper
- A maximum of three papers are permitted per author, irrespective of the order of authorship.
- The names of authors should not be identified in header/footer or in the body of the paper.
- No request for change of authors, order of authors, and their affiliations will be entertained post submission.
- The papers are to be submitted electronically through this link : [Closed]
- Following the suggestions from the trackchairs, select submissions will be recommended to an Associated Journal
- Following the suggestions from the trackchairs, select submissions will be invited for the Paper Development Workshop
Important dates
- Paper submission window: 01 August 2022 – 15 October 2022 [Closed]
- Notification of review decision: 01 – 24 November 2022 [Closed]
- Registration window: 19 November 2022 – 18 December 2022 [Closed]
For the Doctoral Colloquium
Doctoral Colloquium is open for the scholars pursuing doctoral level programs in management and allied domains, preferably at an advanced stage. Interested participants must submit a synopsis of their dissertation covering intended contribution (why is this research important), research questions, theoretical lens, conceptual model, research methodology, data sources, and selective references. The length of the synopsis should be between 1500 and 2000 words, and structured following the recommended formatting style. Mention “Track: Doctoral Colloquium” before the title of the submission, following the template.
The synopses are to be submitted electronically through this link : [Closed]