INDAM 2023 invites full papers pertaining to the conference tracts. Mention the track before the title of the submission, as shown in the template. There is no restriction on the methodology followed in a submission. Papers not following required formatting style will be rejected without any review.

Formatting style

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Important dates

For the Doctoral Colloquium

Doctoral Colloquium is open for the scholars pursuing doctoral level programs in management and allied domains, preferably at an advanced stage. Interested participants must submit a synopsis of their dissertation covering intended contribution (why is this research important), research questions, theoretical lens, conceptual model, research methodology, data sources, and selective references. The length of the synopsis should be between 1500 and 2000 words, and structured following the recommended formatting style. Mention “Track: Doctoral Colloquium” before the title of the submission, following the template.

  • The synopses are to be submitted electronically through this link :  [Closed]